

Table of Contents

lib/Lime/App.php 1
lib/Lime/Helper/Utils.php 1
lib/vendor/firebase/php-jwt/src/JWT.php 1
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/functions.php 1
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlFactory.php 3
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/CurlHandler.php 1
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Handler/Proxy.php 6
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/HandlerStack.php 11
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Middleware.php 2
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/PrepareBodyMiddleware.php 2
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RedirectMiddleware.php 2
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RetryMiddleware.php 3
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Utils.php 1
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/PumpStream.php 2
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Stream.php 1
lib/vendor/guzzlehttp/psr7/src/Utils.php 1
lib/vendor/league/flysystem/src/MountManager.php 1
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-ca.php 1
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-da.php 1
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-fo.php 1
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-ja.php 3
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-zh.php 1
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/src/PHPMailer.php 5
lib/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/src/POP3.php 3
lib/vendor/ralouphie/getallheaders/src/getallheaders.php 1
lib/vendor/symfony/console/Helper/TableStyle.php 1
lib/vendor/symfony/console/Output/NullOutput.php 1
lib/vendor/symfony/finder/Comparator/NumberComparator.php 2
lib/vendor/symfony/finder/Glob.php 2
lib/vendor/symfony/finder/Iterator/VcsIgnoredFilterIterator.php 2
lib/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Utils/ASTDefinitionBuilder.php 2
lib/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Utils/TypeInfo.php 3
lib/vendor/webonyx/graphql-php/src/Validator/ValidationContext.php 2
app/modules/Assets/lib/SVGSanitizer.php 1
app/modules/Assets/lib/vendor/ksubileau/color-thief-php/src/ColorThief/ColorThief.php 2


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param [type] $route" has error "\Lime\[type]" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param [type] $expr" has error "\Lime\Helper\[type]" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{int, string|null} the new offset and the decoded object" has error "\Firebase\JWT\array{int" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface Returns the best handler for the given system." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{handle_factory?: ?CurlFactoryInterface} $options Array of options to use with the handler" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\array{handle_factory" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $default Handler used for normal responses" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $sync Handler used for synchronous responses." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface Returns the composed handler." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $default Handler used for non-streaming responses" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $streaming Handler used for streaming responses" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface Returns the composed handler." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Handler\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null $handler HTTP handler function to use with the stack. If no handler is provided, the best handler for your system will be utilized." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null $handler Underlying HTTP handler." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $handler Accepts a request and array of options and returns a Promise." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function" has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function" has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function" has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(callable): callable $middleware Middleware function" has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var array{(callable(callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface): callable), (string|null)}[]" has error "\GuzzleHttp\array{" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var (callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface)|null" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(callable): callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler." has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(callable): callable Returns a function that accepts the next handler." has error "\GuzzleHttp\:" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $nextHandler Next handler to invoke." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $nextHandler Next handler to invoke." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface $nextHandler Next handler to invoke." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param (callable(int): int)|null $delay Function that accepts the number of retries and returns the number of milliseconds to delay." has error "\GuzzleHttp\: int" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var callable(RequestInterface, array): PromiseInterface" has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return callable(\Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface, array): \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface Returns the best handler for the given system." has error "\GuzzleHttp\, " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param callable(int): (string|null|false) $source Source of the stream data. The callable MAY accept an integer argument used to control the amount of data to return. The callable MUST return a string when called, or false|null on error or EOF." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{size?: int, metadata?: array} $options Stream options: - metadata: Hash of metadata to use with stream. - size: Size of the stream, if known." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\array{size" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{size?: int, metadata?: array} $options Associative array of options." has error "\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\array{size" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param array{size?: int, metadata?: array} $options Additional options" has error "\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\array{size" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{0:FilesystemOperator, 1:string}" has error "\League\Flysystem\array{0:FilesystemOperator" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Ivan <web AT microstudi DOT com>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author John Sebastian <> Rewrite and extension of the work by Mikael Stokkebro <>" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Dávur Sørensen <>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Mitsuhiro Yoshida <>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Yoshi Sakai <>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Arisophy <>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Peter Dave Hello <@PeterDaveHello/>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see SMTP::DEBUG_OFF: No output" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::DEBUG_OFF:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see SMTP::DEBUG_CLIENT: Client messages" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::DEBUG_CLIENT:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER: Client and server messages" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see SMTP::DEBUG_CONNECTION: As SERVER plus connection status" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::DEBUG_CONNECTION:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see SMTP::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL: Noisy, low-level data output, rarely needed" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\SMTP::DEBUG_LOWLEVEL:" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see POP3::DEBUG_OFF: No output" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\POP3::DEBUG_OFF:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see POP3::DEBUG_SERVER: Server messages, connection/server errors" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\POP3::DEBUG_SERVER:" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see POP3::DEBUG_CLIENT: Client and Server messages, connection/server errors" has error "\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\POP3::DEBUG_CLIENT:" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return string[string] The HTTP header key/value pairs." has error "\string[string]" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "see" with body "@see {@link setCrossingChars()} for setting each crossing individually." has error "\Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\{@link" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Tobias Schultze <>" has error The author tag does not have a valid e-mail address


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Fabien Potencier <> PHP port" has error
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Richard Clamp <> Perl version" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Fabien Potencier <> PHP port" has error
ERROR 0 Tag "author" with body "@author Richard Clamp <> Perl version" has error


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{0: string, 1: string}|null" has error "\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\array{0: string" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var array<string, array{0: string, 1: string}|null>" has error "\Symfony\Component\Finder\Iterator\array{0: string" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param string|(Node &NamedTypeNode)|(Node&TypeDefinitionNode) $ref" has error "\GraphQL\Utils\Node " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param (Node &NamedTypeNode)|(Node&TypeDefinitionNode)|null $typeNode" has error "\GraphQL\Utils\Node " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return (Type & OutputType) | null" has error "\GraphQL\Utils\Type " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return (CompositeType & Type) | null" has error "\GraphQL\Utils\CompositeType " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return (Type & InputType) | null" has error "\GraphQL\Utils\Type " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return (CompositeType & Type) | null" has error "\GraphQL\Validator\CompositeType " is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return (Type & InputType) | null" has error "\GraphQL\Validator\Type " is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var" has error Expected a different value than "".


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{VBox, VBox}|null" has error "\ColorThief\array{VBox" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{int, array<int, int>} [$total, $partialSum]" has error "\ColorThief\array{int" is not a valid Fqsen.

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