
Patch extends Operation
in package

The openapi annotation base class.


Table of Contents

$_blacklist  : array<string|int, mixed>
List of properties are blacklisted from the JSON output.
$_context  : Context
$_nested  : array<string|int, mixed>
Declarative mapping of Annotation types to properties.
$_parents  : mixed
$_required  : array<string|int, mixed>
The properties which are required by [the spec](
$_types  : array<string|int, mixed>
Specify the type of the property.
$_unmerged  : array<string|int, mixed>
Annotations that couldn't be merged by mapping or postprocessing.
$attachables  : mixed
Arbitrary attachables for this annotation.
$callbacks  : array<string|int, callable>
A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation.
$deprecated  : bool
Declares this operation to be deprecated.
$description  : string
A verbose explanation of the operation behavior.
$externalDocs  : ExternalDocumentation
Additional external documentation for this operation.
$method  : string
Key in the OpenApi "Path Item Object" for this operation.
$operationId  : string
Unique string used to identify the operation.
$parameters  : array<string|int, Parameter>
A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation.
$path  : string
key in the OpenApi "Paths Object" for this operation.
$requestBody  : RequestBody
The request body applicable for this operation.
$responses  : array<string|int, Response>
The list of possible responses as they are returned from executing this operation.
$security  : array<string|int, mixed>
A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used for this operation.
$servers  : array<string|int, Server>
An alternative server array to service this operation.
$summary  : string
A short summary of what the operation does.
$tags  : array<string|int, string>
A list of tags for API documentation control.
$x  : array<string|int, mixed>
While the OpenAPI Specification tries to accommodate most use cases, additional data can be added to extend the specification at certain points.
__construct()  : mixed
__debugInfo()  : mixed
__get()  : mixed
__set()  : mixed
identity()  : string
Return a identity for easy debugging.
isRoot()  : bool
An annotation is a root if it is the top-level / outermost annotation in a PHP docblock.
jsonSerialize()  : mixed
Customize the way json_encode() renders the annotations.
matchNested()  : null|object
Find matching nested details.
merge()  : array<string|int, AbstractAnnotation>
Merge given annotations to their mapped properties configured in static::$_nested.
mergeProperties()  : void
Merge the properties from the given object into this annotation.
toJson()  : string
Generate the documentation in YAML format.
toYaml()  : string
Generate the documentation in YAML format.
validate()  : bool
Validate annotation tree, and log notices & warnings.
_identity()  : string
Helper for generating the identity().
_validate()  : bool
Recursively validate all annotation properties.
nested()  : AbstractAnnotation
Wrap the context with a reference to the annotation it is nested in.
validateArrayType()  : bool
Validate array type.
validateDefaultTypes()  : bool
Validates default Open Api types.
validateType()  : bool
Validates the matching of the property value to a annotation type.



List of properties are blacklisted from the JSON output.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $_blacklist = ['_context', '_unmerged', 'attachables']


Declarative mapping of Annotation types to properties.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $_nested = []

Examples: Info::clas => 'info', // Set @OA\Info annotation as the info property. Parameter::clas => ['parameters'], // Append @OA\Parameter annotations the parameters array. PathItem::clas => ['paths', 'path'], // Append @OA\PathItem annotations the paths array and use path as key.


public static mixed $_parents = [\OpenApi\Annotations\PathItem::class]


The properties which are required by [the spec](

public static array<string|int, mixed> $_required = []


Specify the type of the property.

public static array<string|int, mixed> $_types = []

Examples: 'name' => 'string' // a string 'required' => 'boolean', // true or false 'tags' => '[string]', // array containing strings 'in' => ["query", "header", "path", "formData", "body"] // must be one on these 'oneOf' => [Schema::class] // array of schema objects.


Annotations that couldn't be merged by mapping or postprocessing.

public array<string|int, mixed> $_unmerged = []


Arbitrary attachables for this annotation.

public mixed $attachables = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

These will be ignored but can be used for custom processing.


A map of possible out-of band callbacks related to the parent operation.

public array<string|int, callable> $callbacks = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

The key is a unique identifier for the Callback Object. Each value in the map is a Callback Object that describes a request that may be initiated by the API provider and the expected responses. The key value used to identify the callback object is an expression, evaluated at runtime, that identifies a URL to use for the callback operation.


Declares this operation to be deprecated.

public bool $deprecated = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

Consumers should refrain from usage of the declared operation. Default value is false.


A verbose explanation of the operation behavior.

public string $description = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation.


Key in the OpenApi "Path Item Object" for this operation.

public string $method = 'patch'


Unique string used to identify the operation.

public string $operationId = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

The id must be unique among all operations described in the API. Tools and libraries may use the operationId to uniquely identify an operation, therefore, it is recommended to follow common programming naming conventions.


A list of parameters that are applicable for this operation.

public array<string|int, Parameter> $parameters = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

If a parameter is already defined at the Path Item, the new definition will override it but can never remove it. The list must not include duplicated parameters. A unique parameter is defined by a combination of a name and location. The list can use the Reference Object to link to parameters that are defined at the OpenAPI Object's components/parameters.


key in the OpenApi "Paths Object" for this operation.

public string $path = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED


The request body applicable for this operation.

public RequestBody $requestBody = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

The requestBody is only supported in HTTP methods where the HTTP 1.1 specification RFC7231 has explicitly defined semantics for request bodies. In other cases where the HTTP spec is vague, requestBody shall be ignored by consumers.


The list of possible responses as they are returned from executing this operation.

public array<string|int, Response> $responses = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED


A declaration of which security mechanisms can be used for this operation.

public array<string|int, mixed> $security = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

The list of values includes alternative security requirement objects that can be used. Only one of the security requirement objects need to be satisfied to authorize a request. This definition overrides any declared top-level security. To remove a top-level security declaration, an empty array can be used.


An alternative server array to service this operation.

public array<string|int, Server> $servers = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

If an alternative server object is specified at the Path Item Object or Root level, it will be overridden by this value.


A short summary of what the operation does.

public string $summary = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED


A list of tags for API documentation control.

public array<string|int, string> $tags = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

Tags can be used for logical grouping of operations by resources or any other qualifier.


While the OpenAPI Specification tries to accommodate most use cases, additional data can be added to extend the specification at certain points.

public array<string|int, mixed> $x = \OpenApi\Generator::UNDEFINED

For further details see The keys inside the array will be prefixed with x-.



public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $properties) : mixed
$properties : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


public __get(mixed $property) : mixed
$property : mixed
Return values


public __set(mixed $property, mixed $value) : mixed
$property : mixed
$value : mixed
Return values


Return a identity for easy debugging.

public identity() : string

Example: "@OA\Get(path="/pets")".

Return values


An annotation is a root if it is the top-level / outermost annotation in a PHP docblock.

public isRoot() : bool
Return values


Customize the way json_encode() renders the annotations.

public jsonSerialize() : mixed
Return values


Find matching nested details.

public static matchNested(string $class) : null|object
$class : string

the class to match

Return values

key/value object or null


Merge given annotations to their mapped properties configured in static::$_nested.

public merge(array<string|int, AbstractAnnotation$annotations[, bool $ignore = false ]) : array<string|int, AbstractAnnotation>

Annotations that couldn't be merged are added to the _unmerged array.

$annotations : array<string|int, AbstractAnnotation>
$ignore : bool = false

Ignore unmerged annotations

Return values
array<string|int, AbstractAnnotation>

The unmerged annotations


Merge the properties from the given object into this annotation.

public mergeProperties(object $object) : void

Prevents overwriting properties that are already configured.

$object : object
Return values


Generate the documentation in YAML format.

public toJson([mixed $flags = null ]) : string
$flags : mixed = null
Return values


Generate the documentation in YAML format.

public toYaml([mixed $flags = null ]) : string
$flags : mixed = null
Return values


Validate annotation tree, and log notices & warnings.

public validate([array<string|int, mixed> $parents = [] ][, array<string|int, mixed> $skip = [] ][, string $ref = '' ]) : bool
$parents : array<string|int, mixed> = []

the path of annotations above this annotation in the tree

$skip : array<string|int, mixed> = []

(prevent stack overflow, when traversing an infinite dependency graph)

$ref : string = ''
Return values


Helper for generating the identity().

protected _identity(array<string|int, mixed> $properties) : string
$properties : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values


Recursively validate all annotation properties.

private static _validate(array<string|int, mixed>|object $fields, array<string|int, mixed> $parents, array<string|int, mixed> $skip, string $baseRef) : bool
$fields : array<string|int, mixed>|object
$parents : array<string|int, mixed>

the path of annotations above this annotation in the tree

$skip : array<string|int, mixed>

List of objects already validated

$baseRef : string
Return values


Validate array type.

private validateArrayType(mixed $value) : bool
$value : mixed
Return values


Validates default Open Api types.

private validateDefaultTypes(string $type, mixed $value) : bool
$type : string

The property type

$value : mixed

The value to validate

Return values


Validates the matching of the property value to a annotation type.

private validateType(string $type, mixed $value) : bool
$type : string

The annotations property type

$value : mixed

The property value

Return values

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